Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Cua Cua Cua

Last week we were in Budapest, Hungary. Nice weather, nice city, nice adventures.
We visited every importat spot, we rode bikes in the island, we met the night life. We ate every hungarian dish, we got tanned, we slept in the therm baths, we walk the whole city, we went up by teleferique and we went down by foot, we made yoga in one park, we met new prezaki people, we were afraid of dead, we drunk pineapple juice with everything, we felt like home, we met our new parents and sisters, we went to Wien, we took photos to everystone, we met a kid, we pretend to be spanish and greeks, we survived with one meal per day, we followed gomenakia guys, we laugh about everyone, we could get punched, we don't know the name of the hungarian money, we lived a lot.

And that little duck, chinese duck, that we found in Margarite island says you: Vizlat!

La semana pasada estuvimos en Budapest, Hungria. Buen tiempo, agradable ciudad, bonitas aventuras.
Visitamos todos los lugares importantes, montamos en bici por la isla, conocimos la vida nocturna. Comimos todos los platos tipicos hungaros, nos pusimos morenos, dormimos en las termas, caminamos toda la ciudad, subimos en teleferico y bajamos a pie, hicimos yoga en un parque, conocimos a gente prezaki, tuvimos miedo de morir, bebimos zumo de piña con todo, nos sentimos como en casa, conocimos a nuestros nuevos padres y hermanas, fuimos a Viena, tomamos fotos a cada piedra, conocimos a un niño, fingimos ser españoles y griegos, sobrevivimos con una comida al día, seguimos a chicos gomenakia, nos reimos de todo el mundo, podrían habenos pegado, no sabemos el nombre de la moneda hungara, vivimos mucho.

Y este pequeño pato, pato chino, que encontramos en la Isla Margarita os dice: Vizlat!

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