Saturday 28 January 2012

Los dos extremos del mundo

Estudiando Marine Ecologie descubrí esta pequeña introducción al tema de Polar Regions:

Cold, hostile, barren, white wastelands would be a fairly typical impression of the frozen pack ice that covers polar oceans and seas. This image is reinforeced during the long polar winter when, if the sun does rise above the horizon, the fleeting light is no more than dull dreary half-light. Even in summer, snow blizzards can descend with no warning, forming conditions of such poor visibility that it is impossible to see just a few centimetres in front of you. It is of couse not all gloom and despondency, and even in the bleak winter, ethereal displays of aurora borealis (in the north) or aurora australis (in the south), light up the sky in electromagnetic pyrotechnic displays that enhance the feeling of being in a part of a world governed by physical forces quite disconnected from the rest of the Earth.

Marine Ecology, process, systems and impacts, M. J. Kaiser

Foto del festival de la luz de Gante

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